In honor of LC's day of birth, I've asked a few of her closest friends what they love most about her. Here is a top twelve (couldn't narrow it down to just ten) list of why we love LC:
12. She makes the best burned CDs.
11. When she drinks too much she can't feel her face.
10. She's effing hot. Obviously.
9. She knows who Franklin Pierce is. And when he was born. And when he died. And most of the details of his presidency.
8. She writes excellent hand-written notes.
7. She appreciates rap music.
6. She has great hair.
5. She can get away with wearing vans and polos all the time.
4. She loves people so well.
3. She's funny. Like, real funny. Funnier than most.
2. She chronicles the lives of her friends via facebook albums more efficiently than anyone we know.
1. Her friendship just makes our lives better, richer, and fuller. We love her!!!
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